巴基斯坦 > 公共电视 Hum TV is a 24-hour Urdu General Entertainment TV channel based in Karachi, Pakistan. It was founded by Sultana Siddiqui and Duraid Qureshi. It is owned by Hum Network Limited (KSE:HUMNL). Hum...
斯洛伐克 > 当地电视 HNTV je domácou televíziou Humenčanov od roku 1993. Presne vo štvrtok 25. marca v tom istom roku sa uskutočnilo prvé skúšobné vysielanie. Od 10. novembra 1994 sa nepretržite prihovára divákom v...
荷兰 > 电视娱乐 NPO Humor TV 是荷兰公共广播公司的数字主题频道,于 2006 年 11 月 15 日开始播放歌舞表演和讽刺剧。 幽默电视可以通过解码器在电视上和互联网上看到。 由于公共广播的削减,NPO Humor TV 于 2016 年 7 月 1 日停止播出。...
越南 > 当地电视 Ngay sau khi miền Bắc được giải phóng năm 1954 đã có Đài Phát thanh Hưng Yên trực thuộc cơ quan tuyên truyền của Ủy ban hành chính tỉnh Hưng Yên. Đến năm 1957 thì chính thức thành lập Đài Phát thanh...
印度 > 儿童 电视 Hungama TV is a TV channel for children in India based in Mumbai. Originally a subsidiary of UTV Software Communications launched on September 26, 2004, the channel was sold to Disney in 2006. Disney...
印度 > 宗教 Husaini Channel TV is Lucknow's first free-to-air, exclusively Hindi/Urdu/English TV network dedicated to delivering the pristine message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and His Holy Household. Husaini...
牙买加 > 电视娱乐 Hype TV (commonly stylized as HYPE! TV) is both a nationally and globally broadcast entertainment network. Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Kingston, Jamaica, Hype TV has stood as the first 24...
以色列 > 新闻电视 i24news הוא ערוץ חדשות ואקטואליה בינלאומי, אשר עלה לשידור ב-2013. בסיס החברה נמצא בלוקסמבורג אך השידור עצמו מגיע מאולפנים אשר הוקמו בנמל יפו בתל אביב. מטרת הערוץ להוות משקל נגד לערוצי חדשות...
法国 > 新闻电视 i24news是一個報導國際與時事新聞的電視頻道,其總部設於特拉維夫之雅法港,以英語,法語,阿拉伯語播出,所有人為Patrick Drahi,而執行長為Frank Melloul。...