Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Recent Stories

Pin Zhi, Bhutan’s first 2D adventure game now available online

Bhutan’s first 2D adventure game, Pin Zhi is now available online. It was launched on itch.io, a game distribution website on Thursday. As of now, about 20 copies of the game have been ordered by Bhutanese gamers and a few copies were sold from the website. It will also be made available on Steam from the 18th of this month. A group of DeSuups working for an IT company in Thimphu TechPark called Green E-Integrated Private Limited developed the game. Karma Wangdi  

Suspect at large after selling off three stolen oxen for slaughter, Tsirang

Livestock farmers of Dagana’s Drujeygang Gewog have been losing their cattle to theft in recent years. They say it has become worrisome for them to send their cattle to graze freely in the forest without herders. Recently three oxen have been lost from the gewog and were later found tied at the slaughterhouse in Tsirang. Pema Lhaden from Ambithang_Pangserpo Chiwog lost her ox, Baka, a week ago from a jungle along the Sunksoh River below the gewog. A few livestock farmers from the gewog leave their animals in the area when they are busy with farm works at this time of...

Irrigation project worth Nu. 550 M revives paddy cultivation in Phangyuel after 15 years

Paddy growers of Phangyuel Gewog in Wangdue Phodrang are resuming rice cultivation after more than a decade. A new irrigation water supply project from the Baychhu stream has resolved their water shortage. The farmers there have been forced to leave their paddy fields fallow for years due to an acute shortage of irrigation water threatening food security and self-sufficiency. Some farmers of Phangyuel Gewog have not cultivated paddy in their fields for nearly fifteen years. More than a thousand acres of paddy fields remained fallow for years forcing some farmers to even leave their hometown due to a severe shortage...

Goods and services nearly 5% more expensive than April 2023

The Consumer Price Index of April this year has increased by 4.87 percent compared to the same month last year. This is as per the National Statistics Bureau’s monthly consumer price index report. This means that consumers are paying almost five percent more for the same goods and services compared to the same month last year. The Consumer Price Index is a measure of average price changes in the basket of goods and services purchased by households over time. Prices of the sampled goods and services are collected from urban areas in 20 districts. According to the National Statistics Bureau, NSB, the...

Bhutan NDI wins award at European Identity and Cloud Conference

The Bhutan NDI Company and the GovTech Agency received the 'Special Award for Decentralized ID in Practice' at the European Identity and Cloud Conference in Berlin, Germany on Tuesday. KuppingerCole, a globally renowned firm that recognises identity-based solutions worldwide, organised the award.

Youth unemployment rate at 22.9 % in first quarterly Labour Force Survey Report for 2024

The National Statistics Bureau’s first quarterly Labour Force Survey Report for 2024 shows that the youth unemployment rate reached 22.9 per cent in the first quarter of this year. In the last quarterly Labour Force Survey, published in November last year, the rate was 15.9 per cent. The survey also reveals that the overall unemployment rate is 4.1 per cent in the first quarter.
Tuesday, June 11th (5th day of 5th Bhutanese Month)
Good DayTo make annual and scheduled calendar offerings only
Bad DayTo consecrate, celebrate, hand and take over office, start education, appoint to new post, shift house, start new business, hold good discussion, appease Naga, marry and wedding
Rest of the week
June 11th
Other Districts

Max: 26
Min: 15

Max: 27
Min: 13

Max: 27
Min: 17

Max: 28
Min: 15

Bhutanese wildlife biologist wins Whitley Award for his efforts to save Gee’s golden langur

Kuenzang Dorji, a wildlife biologist at the Royal Society for Protection of Nature, has received the prestigious Whitley Award in London for safeguarding the endangered Gee’s golden langur and addressing human-wildlife conflict. He is among the seven conservationists selected from more than a hundred applications worldwide this year. The award, often referred to as ‘Green Oscars’ was presented yesterday with each winner receiving £ 50,000 to expand their conservation efforts globally. 

87 and going strong, Dengo relives his heydays

At 87 years old, age is just a number for Dengo from Paro, who participated as the oldest archer in the ongoing Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Memorial National Archery Tournament. Not only is he the oldest participant, but his team also comprised of elderly men all above 60 years of age.