Kepulauan Faroe > TV Publik
Kringvarp Føroya er det færøske nationale radio og fjernsyn. Før kaldtes Færøernes radio for Útvarp Føroya og Færøernes fjernsyn kaldtes Sjónvarp Føroya, de blev grundlagt i henholdsvis 1957 og 1984....
Fiji > TV Hiburan
FBC TV is an entertainment and news channel based in Fiji broadcasting in English, Hindi and Fijian. It is the third commercial free to air channel in Fiji. It was launched on 25 November 2011 by the...
Fiji > TV Lokal
Mai TV is a commercial free to air TV network based in the Fiji Islands. The company was founded in 2006 and began broadcasts in June 2008. It is full privately owned and broadcasts to 100% of the...
Guyana Perancis > TV Publik
Guyane 1ère est une chaîne de radio, télévision, internet généraliste publique française de proximité de France Télévisions diffusée dans le département d'outre-mer de la Guyane française. Guyane...
Saluran TV > Polinesia Perancis
TNTV est une télévision à l’image des Polynésiens : enrichie de son passé, forte de sa culture et résolument tournée vers l’avenir. Créée le 29 juin 2000, Tahiti Nui Télévision (TNTV) est devenue...
Gibraltar > TV Publik > Berita TV
The Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) is Gibraltar's public service broadcaster. It has provided the community with a radio and television service since 1963. Modelled on the BBC, the...
Guam > TV Lokal
KGTF, virtual and VHF digital channel 12, is a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) member television station serving the U.S. territory of Guam that is licensed to Agana. The station is owned by the...
Guam > TV Lokal
KEQI-LP, virtual and UHF digital channel 22, is a low-powered Fox-affiliated television station serving the U.S. territory of Guam that is licensed to Dededo. Owned by Sorensen Media Group, it is a...
Hongkong > Berita TV
無綫新聞台(英语:TVB News Channel)是香港電視廣播有限公司旗下一條以高清格式播放的新聞頻道,前稱TVB新聞台(收費頻道)、互動新聞台(免費頻道),提供24小時新聞資訊。 無綫電視表示,該台發展數碼電視以「廣播」(大眾化)為原則,但互動新聞台定位則較為窄播,並非綜合性的大眾頻道,具特定的觀眾群,開設頻道旨在「服務社區」,亦是全港唯一24小時免費新聞頻道。...
Hongkong > TV Lokal
TVB Pearl (無綫電視明珠台) is one of the two free television services in Hong Kong that mainly broadcast in the English language, the other being ATV World and later ViuTVsix. It is owned and operated by...
Iran > TV Publik
شبکه اندیشه کانال تلویزیونی فارسی‌زبان ماهواره‌ای است. این شبکه خبری–تحلیلی و آموزشی برنامه‌های چندزبانه/چندفرهنگی شامل اخبار، تحلیل، گفتگو، فرهنگ، فیلم و موسیقی خود را از طریق ماهوارهیاه‌ست در قاره‌...
Iran > TV Lokal
سیمای آزادی - تلویزیون ملی ایران نام تلویزیون ماهواره‌ای توسط سازمان مجاهدین خلق ایران و شورای ملی مقاومت ایران است که هفت روز هفته و به مدت بیست و چهار ساعت شبانه روز برنامه پخش می‌کند. اخبار در این...
Iran > TV Lokal
Fadak Satellite Channel is a Shia Muslim channel that was founded by a group of Shia Muslims in the United Kingdom with the purpose of conveying Shia Islam to mainly the Arab and Muslim world. The...
Iran > TV Publik
IRIB TV2 is one of the 40 national television channels in Iran. It broadcasts to the Persian-speaking areas of the Middle East and is headquartered in Tehran. It was the first television channel...


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