Ungheria > TV locale > Notizie Ceglédi City Television - Notizie quotidiane dalla regione La prima trasmissione sperimentale di Cegléd City Television è stata trasmessa il 16 novembre 1990. Da allora la Televisione ha subito un...
Canada > Notizie CTV News Channel is a Canadian discretionary service owned by Bell Media. It broadcasts national and international news headlines, the latest news and information. The headquarters of the canal is...
Senegal > Notizie DIASPORA24TV est la première chaîne de télévision satellitaire numérique sénégalaise d'Europe. Elle couvre toute l'Europe et l'Afrique à travers et est présente aux Etas unis et au Canada par ASTV...
Svezia > TV locale > Notizie Dagens Nyheter (”DN”) har hos Myndigheten för press, radio och TV anmält följande databaser: Dagens Nyheter via Facebook.com, Dagens Nyheter via Instagram.com och Dagens Nyheter via Twitter.com....
Pakistan > Notizie Awami Awaz ( روزاني عوامي آواز) is a Sindhi daily newspaper and news TV channel in Pakistan. Its published form Karachi. Its Editor is Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khattak....
Pakistan > Notizie Dawn News is one of Pakistan's 24-hour Urdu news channel. Based in Karachi, the station is a subsidiary of Pakistan Herald Publications Limited (PHPL), Pakistan's largest English-language media...
Bangladesh > Notizie DBC News è un canale di notizie televisive via satellite 24 ore su 24 in Bangladesh. Il presidente del canale è Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, consigliere per i media del primo ministro Sheikh Hasina....
India > Notizie DD India is an Indian English News and Current Affairs Channel. It become a full-fledged English News and Current Affairs Channel in January 2019 followed by a decision of the parent Prasar Bharati's...
India > Notizie India’s very own broadcaster, DD News constantly strives to give balanced, fair and accurate news. Doordarshan News, usually referred to by its abbreviation as DD News, is India's only 24-hour...
India > Notizie DD Odia is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Cuttack. DD Odia is a satellite channel broadcasting in Odia, launched in 1994. DD Odia broadcasts serials, cultural...
Ungheria > TV locale > Notizie Debrecen Television raccomanda i propri film alle parti interessate. Puoi scoprire il programma quotidiano sul sito web della televisione o sul suo portale di notizie, dove puoi seguire la...
Romania > Notizie DIGI 24 è una stazione televisiva di notizie indipendente, fondata il 1 marzo 2012, a Bucarest, da RCS&RDS. L'emittente televisiva ha anche otto stazioni locali nel suo portafoglio, a Iasi,...
Bangladesh > Notizie DigiBangla24 IPTV was born in the World’s Capital, the city of New York – felt the need to showcase Digital Bangladesh to the world. The promoters feel the necessity to build and deliver a 24/7 ICT...