Taiwan > Local 壹電視廣播股份有限公司,是一家臺灣電視臺,2010年12月28日正式開播,最初由壹傳媒創立,至2013年6月轉手年代集團經營。目前旗下頻道有新聞台與綜合台與電影台,其所有自製節目皆以高畫質拍攝、製作並播出。 轉手年代集團後,多次爆發勞資糾紛。同時也是全台灣第一家由工會合法取得罷工權的電視臺。「壹電視」落實本土,放眼國際,追求成為台灣電視的領導品牌,並期望能為台灣電視...
Taiwan > Local 大愛電視,是由慈濟傳播人文志業基金會所經營的電視網,原名慈濟大愛電視台,創立於1999年8月17日,為慈濟基金會所屬之非營利事業。大愛電視不接受託播商業廣告,其資金三分之一來自慈濟基金會環保志工從事資源回收所得、其他來自善心人士捐款。大愛電視在成立之初,一度被定義為宗教電視台。...
Taiwan > Local 客家電視台(Hakka Television Station,縮寫為Hakka TV),簡稱客家台、客台、客視,於2003年7月1日開播,是專屬客家、全程使用臺灣客家語(四縣腔、海陸腔、大埔腔、詔安腔、饒平腔)發音的電視頻道,但字幕則使用翻譯成國語的中文。收播時間為每週四、週五凌晨二時至凌晨五時。 在2007年1月1日依據《無線電視事業公股處理條例》加入台灣公共廣播電視集團後,更突顯了客家電...
Japan > Local Okayama Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (Okayama Hoso) is a specific terrestrial broadcaster that operates television broadcasting in Okayama and Kagawa prefectures. The abbreviated name is OHK, which is said...
Japan > Local Hiroshima Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (Hiroshima Television Hoso, HTV) is a specific terrestrial broadcaster that conducts television broadcasting business with Hiroshima prefecture as the...
Hong Kong > Local 乐视控股集团、乐视集团,英文名LeEco,成立于2004年,是中华人民共和国的一家互联网产业集团,创始人贾跃亭與集團因財務危機積欠眾多債權人款項未還,列入企業與個人失信執行名單。...
Japan > Local Ishikawa Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Is a specific terrestrial broadcaster that conducts television broadcasting business with Ishikawa Prefecture as the broadcasting target area. The...
Japan > Local Fukui Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. is a specified terrestrial broadcaster that operates television broadcasting in Fukui Prefecture. The abbreviation is FTB, commonly known as Fukui TV. Because...
Japan > Local Kansai Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. is a specific terrestrial broadcaster of television broadcasting whose broadcasting target area is the Kinki wide area, and is also a general terrestrial...
South Korea > Local > Music GayoTV (gayotv) is a cable television, satellite and IPTV adult music station in Korea. This broadcast is not a trend-oriented music broadcast centered on the new generation of young people, but a...
South Korea > Local Kwangju Broadcasting Corporation or kbc is a Radio and TV station in Gwangju, affiliated with the SBS Network....
South Korea > Local Junghwa TV (中華TV) is the name and channel name of a cable and satellite television station in South Korea. It broadcasts programs that were broadcast in the Greater China region, including China,...