Croatia > Local Libertas TV is the first IP television in the Republic of Croatia with headquarters in Dubrovnik. As of May 2018, Libertas Television from Dubrovnik became the first county television from the south...
Azerbaijan > Local Lider TV — 1 sentyabr 2000-ci il tarixində fəaliyyətə başlayan, Azərbaycanın özəl telekanallarından biri. Lider TV 1 sentyabr 2000-ci ildə fəaliyyətə başlamışdır. "Lider...
Lithuania > Local Lietuvos ryto“ televizija – jaunas kanalas, kuriame dirba patyrusių profesionalų komanda. Siekiame būti arčiau žiūrovo ir lanksčiai reaguoti į pokyčius. „Lietuvos ryto“ televizija – 2008 m. spalio 12...
Taiwan > Local 生命電視台,是海濤法師弘法志業訊息整合的大平台,自開播以來,獲得各方大德、信眾的熱烈迴響,台灣各地全天候二十四小時都可以收看得到弘法節目。海外可透過衛星收視,期能以多元、不同類型的節目方式,傳達佛陀的生命教育,以及佛教的歷史與文化。期望所有大德菩薩們一起來護持這塊清淨慈悲的園地,讓生命電視台成為大家的電視台。...
Hungary > Local Light Channel is a Christian television that transmits the values of the Gospel in society....
Austria > Local Linz Land TV is an Austrian television station in the Linz-Land district in Upper Austria. The station can only be received there. The company headquarters is in the city of Leonding. The company...
Portugal > Local Localvisão TV - a project started in 2006 and for a few years broadcast exclusively on the internet and other online platforms - is a comprehensive, dynamic communication structure with a...
Armenia > Local Lori TV produces such programs as "Munetik", "Andradardz", "Pataskhan", "Against Corruption", "Chess Lori" and many others. Lori TV has a special...