Ziņas TV
Polija > Ziņas TV TVP Info ir Polijas bezmaksas televīzijas ziņu kanāls, ko vada sabiedriskā raidorganizācija, valsts medijs TVP. Tā koncentrējas uz ziņu pārraidēm, pārraidot valsts mēroga ziņu biļetenus no pulksten...
Čīle > Ziņas TV Televisión Regional de Chile (TVR) es un canal de televisión abierta chileno que emite en la frecuencia 22 de la banda UHF de Santiago. Es el primer canal UHF del país en ser concesionada a privados...
Rumānija > Ziņas TV TVR2, Televiziunea Română 2, ir sabiedriskās raidorganizācijas TVR otrais kanāls. Kanāls tika izveidots 1968. gadā, taču tas tika apturēts no 1985. gada līdz komunistiskā režīma krišanai 1989. gadā....
Indija > Ziņas TV 24 News is a 24-hour Malayalam news channel owned by Insight Media City. This is the official Youtube channel of 24. 24 is abides by the journalistic ethic of delivering unbiased news without...
Ukraina > Ziņas TV UA|TV - це єдиний інформаційний цілодобовий телеканал іномовлення, який адресований широкій іноземній аудиторії і покликаний доносити усьому світові об’єктивну, актуальну та цікаву інформацію з...
Indija > Ziņas TV UK 44 TV is the only live news and current affairs channel for the Pakistani and South Asian expats in the United Kingdom and Europe....
Turcija > Ziņas TV Ülke TV, Yeni Dünya Medya Grubu’nun haber ağırlıklı yayın yapan televizyon kanalı. Kanal, 18 Nisan 2006'da yayına başladı. Kuruluşunda adı Haber 7 iken bir süre sonra adını Ülke TV olarak değiştirdi....
Turcija > Ziņas TV Ulusal Kanal, ulusal çapta yayın yapan bir televizyon kanalı. Genel Yayın Yönetmeni Çağdaş Cengiz'dir. Vatan Partisi'ne yakınlığı ile bilinir....
Peru > Ziņas TV Cobertura local y regional de los principales acontecimientos en Huancayo, el Valle de El Mantaro y demás provincias de nuestra región Junín...
Filipīnas > Ziņas TV UNTV, formally known by two brands as UNTV News and Rescue and UNTV Public Service, is the flagship Philippine television network of the Progressive Broadcasting Corporation (PBC), together with...
Gana > Ziņas TV United Television (UTV) is a Ghanaian 24 hour channel that showcases the cultural diversity of Ghana in its news coverage, local sitcoms and general content. Its main medium of communication is the...
Sri Lanka > Ziņas TV UTV Tamil unfolds as the First Tamil High-Definition (HD) premier television channel brand, working on presenting infotainment, highly consequential in Sri Lanka, to National and International...
Indija > Ziņas TV V6 News is an Indian Telugu-language cable news and current affairs television channel in the Indian State of Telangana.[1] The 24-hour channel is journalist-driven, with a tagline News as it is. It...