TV Zenders
TV Zenders > Duitsland is de website van het televisiestation TVA Fernsehen voor Oost-Beieren. We rapporteren uit Neder-Beieren en de Opper-Palts....
Brazilië > Openbare Em São Paulo, a TV ABERTA está no ar desde 1997. Uma emissora sem fins lucrativos, fundada por um consórcio entre a OAB São Paulo, A Editora Vida & Trabalho e a TV Interação, transmitindo seu...
Hong Kong > Lokale TVB Jade, or simply Jade, is a Hong Kong Cantonese-language free-to-air television channel owned and operated by Television Broadcasts Limited as its flagship service, alongside its sister network,...
Hong Kong > Nieuws 無綫新聞台(英语:TVB News Channel)是香港電視廣播有限公司旗下一條以高清格式播放的新聞頻道,前稱TVB新聞台(收費頻道)、互動新聞台(免費頻道),提供24小時新聞資訊。 無綫電視表示,該台發展數碼電視以「廣播」(大眾化)為原則,但互動新聞台定位則較為窄播,並非綜合性的大眾頻道,具特定的觀眾群,開設頻道旨在「服務社區」,亦是全港唯一24小時免費新聞頻道。...
Hong Kong > Lokale TVB Pearl (無綫電視明珠台) is one of the two free television services in Hong Kong that mainly broadcast in the English language, the other being ATV World and later ViuTVsix. It is owned and operated by...
België > Lokale Tvbrussel was de Nederlandstalige Brusselse stadstelevisie. De zender werd op 20 september 1993 gelanceerd en is op 20 april 2016 opgegaan in BRUZZ. Het produceerde het gelijknamige TV-programma op...
Nigeria > Nieuws TVC News is a Nigerian 24-hour television news channel owned by Continental Broadcasting Service Nigeria Ltd. Now TVC Communications based in Lagos. The channel airs on British Sky Broadcasting Group...
Moldavië > Openbare TVC21 este un canal de televiziune privat din Republica Moldova care difuzează în mare parte filme. TVC21 nu difuzează prin eter, fiind popular doar pentru clienții companiilor prin cablu. Are...
Montenegro > Openbare Радио-телевизија Црне Горе је национална медијска кућа у Црној Гори, која под данашњим именом постоји од 1991. године. Финансира се из буџета, а у оквиру РТЦГ функционишу Радио Црна Гора и Телевизија...
Montenegro > Sport > Vermaak Radio and Television of Montenegro (Montenegrin: Radio i televizija Crne Gore, Радио и телевизија Црне Горе or RTCG, РТЦГ) is the public service broadcaster of Montenegro. A state-owned company with...
Montenegro > Openbare Radio and Television of Montenegro (Montenegrin: Radio i televizija Crne Gore, Радио и телевизија Црне Горе or RTCG, РТЦГ) is the public service broadcaster of Montenegro. A state-owned company with...
Brazilië > Lokale Em canal aberto, a TVCi é uma rede de televisão que alcança mais de 150 milhões de pessoas e presente em 21capitais brasileiras. Emissora TVCI de Paranaguá/PR que retransmite a programação da RCI...
België > Nieuws TV Com is de regionale televisiezender van Waals-Brabant. Tv com Waals-Brabant is een van de 12 lokale televisiestations van de Franse Gemeenschap van België die de afgelopen 20 jaar een grote bloei...