Kanały Telewizyjne
Stany Zjednoczone > Religia
Chrześcijańska telewizja dla dzisiejszego pokolenia! Powiedz znajomemu, żeby zobaczył Daystar! Daystar Television Network stała się najszybciej rozwijającą się chrześcijańską stacją telewizyjną na...
Bangladesz > Aktualności
DBC News to satelitarny całodobowy kanał informacyjny w Bangladeszu. Prezesem kanału jest Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, doradca ds. mediów premiera Szejka Hasiny. Dyrektorem zarządzającym jest Sahidul...
Kamerun > Lokalna TV > Muzyka
DBM TV ou digital black Music est une Chaîne TV à thématique musicale, DBM a pour vocation de révéler et promouvoir la musique Afro Urbaine, qu’elle soit d’Afrique ou d’ailleurs [email protected]...
Indie > Lokalna TV
DD Bangla ( ডিডি বাংলা) is a state-owned television channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Kolkata, India. DD Bangla is the Bengali language satellite channel supported by Doordarshan studios in...
Indie > Lokalna TV
DD Bharati is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Delhi. It telecasts various cultural programmes and is dedicated to show India's vast culture and traditions....
Indie > Lokalna TV
DD Bihar is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Bihar. Doordarshan Kendra, Patna was inaugurated on the 13th October 1990 with an interim set up converting a Government...
Indie > TV Publiczna
DD Chandana is a Kannada TV channel owned and operated by Prasar Bharati under Doordarshan, supported by Doordarshan studios in Bengaluru and Kalburgi. Launched in 1994 DD Chandana has entertainment...
Indie > Aktualności
DD India is an Indian English News and Current Affairs Channel. It become a full-fledged English News and Current Affairs Channel in January 2019 followed by a decision of the parent Prasar Bharati's...
Indie > TV Publiczna
DD India is an Indian English News and Current Affairs Channel. It become a full-fledged English News and Current Affairs Channel in January 2019 followed by a decision of the parent Prasar Bharati's...
Indie > Zabawa
DD Kashir (ڈی ڈی کاشر) is a regional subsidiary television station of Doordarshan in Jammu and Kashmir which is owned by Broadcasting Ministry of India centrally focusing on tradition of Kashmiri...
Indie > TV Publiczna
DD National (formerly DD1) is a state-owned general entertainment television channel in India. It is the flagship channel of Doordarshan, the Indian public service broadcaster, and the most widely...
Indie > Aktualności
India’s very own broadcaster, DD News constantly strives to give balanced, fair and accurate news. Doordarshan News, usually referred to by its abbreviation as DD News, is India's only 24-hour...
Indie > Lokalna TV
DD North-East is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra in Guwahati, Agartala, Kohima, Imphal, Jorhat, Silchar, Dibrugarh, Tura, Aizawl, Itanagar and Shillong. The programmes...
Indie > Aktualności
DD Odia is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Cuttack. DD Odia is a satellite channel broadcasting in Odia, launched in 1994. DD Odia broadcasts serials, cultural...


  • Afganistan Afganistan
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  • Gujana Francuska Gujana Francuska
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  • Gwinea Bissau Gwinea Bissau
  • Gwinea Równikowa Gwinea Równikowa
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  • Korea Południowa Korea Południowa
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  • Libia Libia
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  • Malediwy Malediwy
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  • Mali Mali
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  • Maroko Maroko
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  • Mauretania Mauretania
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  • Nowa Zelandia Nowa Zelandia
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  • Palau Palau
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  • Saint Kitts i Nevis Saint Kitts i Nevis
  • Saint Vincent i Grenadyny Saint Vincent i Grenadyny
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  • Senegal Senegal
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  • Seszele Seszele
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  • Stany Zjednoczone Stany Zjednoczone
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