Somalia > Aktualności
Kalsan TV waa telefishin soomaaliyeed oo hawada ku soo biiray 01/03/2013 waana telefishin dhex dhexaad ah oo ummada soomaaliyeed oo dhan u shaqeeyn doono, Kalsan TV wuxuu ka duwan yahay telefishinada...
Somalia > Lokalna TV
Universal Somali TV is the 1st Digital Online Live TV Station in Somalia...
Uganda > TV Publiczna
Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) is the public broadcaster network of Uganda. It was founded as a result of the "Uganda Broadcasting Corporation Act, 2004", which merged the operations...
Uganda > Lokalna TV
Bukedde TV is a general TV channel that is part of the Vision Group (a multimedia conglomerate in Uganda). The channel first aired in 2009. The headquarters is based in kampala....
Uganda > TV Publiczna
NBS TV is a general TV channel based in Kololo. Kampala, Uganda. The channel offers local news, International news, political programs, Business programs, Sports and health programs....
Uganda > Religia
Lighthouse Television Uganda is a family, educational and Christian television station, located in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda....
Uganda > Lokalna TV
Pulse Live Uganda Is Uganda's New Media Publisher. 24/7 Live News & Videos, Entertainment, Sports, Lifestyle, Celebrities & More!...
Uganda > Zabawa
For all your Entertainment and Celebrity Info, Hottest Music and Latest News from Uganda in East Africa. Keep It Urban, It Starts Here......
Uganda > Lokalna TV
Salam TV is The first and only Islamic TV Channel in Uganda....
Uganda > Lokalna TV
Spark TV is a sister station to NTV, broadcasting live in Kampala.For all your Entertainment, News,both local and International content. 1st Female TV in Uganda offering fresh and original...
Uganda > Religia
salt television is Christian based television station with programming that cuts across to fit all audiences...
Uganda > Lokalna TV
Dream TV is a member of the Impact media Consortium, we strive to empower and inspire for generations....
Suazi > TV Publiczna
To provide all viewers with impartial and informative news, education and entertainment programmes through technology that meets international standards while promoting the country's unique cultural...
Seszele > TV Publiczna
The Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) is the national public broadcaster of the Republic of Seychelles. SBC operates a television network and an AM radio station at 1368 kHz (219 metres) on...


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