Spain > Religion When the EWTN Global Catholic Network television network began operations on August 15, 1981, many thought that a Catholic television station would be in little demand. After thirty years of...
Ukraine > Religion І-Дабл-Ю-Ті-Ен (англ. The Eternal Word Television Network, EWTN) — американська католицька медіамережа, яка транслює та розповсюджує теле- і радіопрограми, видає друковані видання тощо. Вона була...
Slovenia > Religion Na pepelnično sredo vstopamo v postni čas, ko se kristjani posebej spominjamo Kristusovega trpljenja in njegove smrti na križu. To je hkrati čas budnega prizadevanja za lastno spreobrnjenje. Za vas...
Saudi Arabia > Religion قناة فضائية، على نايلسات، ليس فيها إلا القرآن، تلاوات مباركة، مصحوبة بالنص القرآني، ومعاني الكلمات، ومقاصد السور، وفوائد تدبر القرآن الكريم، بأعذب أصوات القراء....
USA > Religion FAMILIA TV is a cristiana TV channel from Houston, Texas, which transmits programming inspired by a diverse range of negative and cultural transformations. The programming format includes:...
Costa Rica > Religion Family Christian Network takes its signal to all corners of the earth. Family Christian Network is a means of communication that has been concerned to open a window to look. We design and broadcast...
Kenya > Religion Family TV, East and Central Africa’s largest Christian television broadcaster and Kenya's most watched Faith channel is now all over Africa. Family TV offers 24 hours of local and international shows...
Portugal > Religion TV Fátima, a company with more than 17 years of existence, now integrates a new brand, Vive Fátima, which aims to take Fátima to the four corners of the world and at the same time contribute to...
Peru > Religion FETV (anteriormente conocido como Telecinco y previamente como Panavisión) es un canal de televisión abierta religioso panameño que emite a través de la banda UHF en Ciudad de Panamá y el interior de...
Panama > Public > Religion FETV (previously known as Telecinco and previously as Panavisión) is a Panamanian religious open television channel that broadcasts through the UHF band in Panama City and the interior of Panama. It...
Kenya > Religion GBS is based on a Christian mindset and emphasizes on the youth leadership training. It is established to practice this more efficiently.GBS, together with the world, approaches the viewers at the...
USA > Religion GEB America is a digital satellite television network that mainly broadcasts Christian and family programming. Oral Roberts founded it in 1996. GEB America is owned by Oral Roberts University and is...