Portugal > Local Santo Tirso TV broadcasts, in a rigorous and impartial manner, all information relating to the municipality of Santo Tirso. Santo Tirso TV is a channel that transmits, in a rigorous and impartial...
Brazil > Religion O ministério Sara Nossa Terra é uma Igreja Evangélica neopentecostal do Brasil. Foi fundada em fevereiro de 1992, em Brasília, Brasil, pelo Bispo Robson Rodovalho e pela Bispa Maria Lúcia Rodovalho,...
India > Lifestyle Saral Jeevan is the first infotainment channel in Kannada with a focus on mythology, history, ayurveda, yoga, vaastu as science, and all about Indian culture. The programs offered are diverse,...
Kazakhstan > Local 1954 ж. КПСС Орталық Комитеті мен КСРО Министрлер Кеңесі 10 телерадио орталықтарының құрылысы жайлы ортақ қаулы қабылдады. Солардың қатарына Қарағанды облысы да енді. 01.03. 1958 ж. К.Қасымжанов...
Turkey > Religion Sat-7 TÜRK, Hıristiyan dünya görüşüne uygun Türkçe yayın yapan bir TV Kanalıdır. Yayınlarımızı www.sat7turk.com adresinden takip edebilirsiniz. Kanalımız çeşitli programları aracılığıyla, hayata dair...
Germany > Entertainment Sat.1 is a free German television channel which is considered to be the first private television network in Germany, launched in January 1984 under the name of PKS (Programmgesellschaft für Kabel-...
Germany > Local Sat.1 Gold is a free television channel on German air, specifically for the so-called female enhancements, aged between 49 and 65 years. It is the sixth channel of ProSiebenSat.1 Media in Germany....
Austria > Public Sat.1 Austria is the Austrian version of the German private broadcaster Sat.1. The station can be received via all major Austrian cable networks and via satellite receivers. The German Sat.1...
Switzerland > Public Sat.1 Schweiz: Swiss version of Sat.1. It differs from the latter in some local programs and regional ads. Sat.1 is a private German television station. Sat.1 was the first private television station...
Bangladesh > Public SA TV is a Bangladeshi based privately owned high definition satellite channel which officially began broadcasting in 19 January 2013, SATV is a sister concern of SA Paribahan Pvt Ltd, a renowned...
Saudi Arabia > News Saudi TV Channel 2 (KSA 2), or as of 2014 known as Saudi 2 was the English news and entertainment TV channel of Saudi Arabia....
Brazil > Business Watch the channels of the Brazilian Agribusiness System (SBA) on your Smart TV, computer, tablet or cell phone with digital quality and LIVE. The largest internet bandwidth in agribusiness is...