TV 채널
미국 > 종교 현 세대를 위한 기독교 텔레비전! 친구에게 Daystar를 보자고 말하세요! Daystar Television Network는 세계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 기독교 텔레비전 방송국이 되었습니다. Daystar는 미국 주요 시장에서 50개 이상의 TV 채널을 운영하고 있으며 댈러스, 휴스턴, 덴버에 생산 시설을 갖추고 있습니다. Daystar는 6천만...
방글라데시 > 뉴스 TV DBC 뉴스는 방글라데시의 위성 기반 24시간 TV 뉴스 채널입니다. 채널 회장은 셰이크 하시나(Sheikh Hasina) 총리의 미디어 고문인 Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury입니다. 전무 이사는 Sahidul Ahsan이고 CEO 겸 편집장은 Monjurul Islam입니다....
카메룬 > 지역 TV > 음악 TV DBM TV ou digital black Music est une Chaîne TV à thématique musicale, DBM a pour vocation de révéler et promouvoir la musique Afro Urbaine, qu’elle soit d’Afrique ou d’ailleurs
인도 > 지역 TV DD Bangla ( ডিডি বাংলা) is a state-owned television channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Kolkata, India. DD Bangla is the Bengali language satellite channel supported by Doordarshan studios in...
인도 > 지역 TV DD Bharati is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Delhi. It telecasts various cultural programmes and is dedicated to show India's vast culture and traditions....
인도 > 지역 TV DD Bihar is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Bihar. Doordarshan Kendra, Patna was inaugurated on the 13th October 1990 with an interim set up converting a Government...
인도 > 공공 TV DD Chandana is a Kannada TV channel owned and operated by Prasar Bharati under Doordarshan, supported by Doordarshan studios in Bengaluru and Kalburgi. Launched in 1994 DD Chandana has entertainment...
인도 > 뉴스 TV DD India is an Indian English News and Current Affairs Channel. It become a full-fledged English News and Current Affairs Channel in January 2019 followed by a decision of the parent Prasar Bharati's...
인도 > 공공 TV DD India is an Indian English News and Current Affairs Channel. It become a full-fledged English News and Current Affairs Channel in January 2019 followed by a decision of the parent Prasar Bharati's...
인도 > 엔터테인먼트 TV DD Kashir (ڈی ڈی کاشر) is a regional subsidiary television station of Doordarshan in Jammu and Kashmir which is owned by Broadcasting Ministry of India centrally focusing on tradition of Kashmiri...
인도 > 공공 TV DD National (formerly DD1) is a state-owned general entertainment television channel in India. It is the flagship channel of Doordarshan, the Indian public service broadcaster, and the most widely...
인도 > 뉴스 TV India’s very own broadcaster, DD News constantly strives to give balanced, fair and accurate news. Doordarshan News, usually referred to by its abbreviation as DD News, is India's only 24-hour...