Nieuw Zeeland > Lokale Channel North was free to broadcast on a public channel in Fangarei, New Zealand. The channel was owned by the Northland TV Charitable Trust. On December 1, 2011, the North Channel broadcast digital...
Nieuw Zeeland > Lokale 39 Southern Television, formerly Dunedin Television and Channel 9, is a regional television station based in Dunedin, New Zealand. The channel belongs to Allied Press, which is also the publisher of...
Rusland > Vermaak HUMOR TV - это круглосуточный телеканал, полный юмора и развлечений, с совершенно новым и свежим решением. Смелая и смелая концепция канала явно выделяется из обычного телевизионного формата...
Rusland > Muziek > Vermaak Телеканал 1HD - музыкально-развлекательный канал для настоящих меломанов. Первый российский музыкально-развлекательный телеканал, вещающий в формате Full HD....
Ierland > Openbare TG4 is an Irish public service broadcaster for Irish-language speakers. The channel launched on 31 October 1996. It is available to 98% of homes in Ireland through digital terrestrial television...
Ierland > KinderTV Cúla 4 is an Irish language programming block and a stand-alone television channel for Irish speaking children in the Republic of Ireland. It is operated by TG4....
Ierland > Nieuws Nuacht TG4 is a daily half-hour Irish language TV news bulletin produced by RTÉ News and Current Affairs for the Irish language Television station TG4. The programme is broadcast weekday evenings at...
TV Zenders > Ierland RTÉ One is the most popular TV channel in Ireland. RTÉ One serves the wider population with high-impact programming, landmark drama, documentary, factual and entertainment programming, news and...
Schotland > Lokale STV2 is a local television network in Scotland, operating five city-based TV licences serving Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen and Ayr. It is owned and operated by STV Group plc. Initially...
Brazilië > Openbare A TVE é a televisão pública do estado da Bahia. Aqui, buscamos retratar o dia-a-dia e a pluralidade do povo baiano com uma programação de qualidade que traz educação, cultura e informação....
Brazilië > Lokale Noticias, Videos de Goias, do Brasil e do Mundo! O DMTV Goiânia é a tv web do Jornal Diário da Manhã, um dos maiores periódicos do Estado de Goiás, com sede em Goiânia. Neste canal, você pode...
Polen > Lokale Telewizja TVM ruszyła w grudniu 2004 roku. Jesteśmy obecni we wszystkich sieciach kablowych w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu oraz w internecie, gdzie zwłaszcza młodsi widzowie coraz częściej oglądają telewizję....